Traditionally made with natural infusions of herbs, spices and fresh citrus fruits, notably – for flavour and aroma – Sicilian orange peel, which is left to infuse to enhance the taste.
The recipe, of which we are jealously proud, guarantees a full flavour with a delicious sweetness that is accompanied by subtle bitter notes on the finish. The use of herbs such as Gentian, celebrated for its ability to stimulate taste receptors and appetite, make Myspritz a healthy product and perfect as an aperitif.
When mixed together, the natural aromatic ingredients of Myspritz give the cocktail a zesty kick that intensifies its fresh, balanced flavour.
- Вид продукта: Аперитив
- Страна: Italien
- Содержание алкоголя: 11% Vol.
- Объем: 1 L
- Ингредиенты: ZuckerВодаAlkoholInfusion von pflanzlichen SubstanzenFarbstoffe (E110)Farbstoffe (E109)
- Алергены: natürliche Aromastoffeenthält Farbstoffe
- Тип пробки: Twist Lock
- Единица измерения: 1 L
- Предложение: Black Friday
- Вес груза: 1,60 кг
- Содержание: 1,00 l
- Производитель: Polini Group Italia S.r.l., Via Vanzago 9/A, 25030 Paratico (BS), Italy